Triton Al99 Phosphate Remover 1000ml

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TRITON AL99 Phosphate remover. High quality (>99% pure) aluminium treatment for removing phosphate. Also removes barium and silicate.
TRITON AL99 Phosphate remover. High quality (>99% pure) aluminium treatment for removing phosphate. Also removes barium and silicate.

TRITON Treatments have been developed to fix specific problems commonly faced by aquarists. Unlike many products on the market TRITON Treatments are quality controlled and free from contamination by unwanted / unknown elements.


AL99 should be rinsed in RODI water before use. Add 50mL per 100L of tank volume to an up flow style reactor. The flow rate should be set very low and the media should not be allowed to tumble. Check your aquarium's phosphate levels daily with a quality PO4 checker. AL99 should be removed from the reactor and replaced once every month or when phosphate levels start to rise.