Neocaridina, Caridinia and Taiwan Bees tanks expanded! Tonnes more varieties! Information on the perfect parameters to keep your shrimp friends happy!

New upgrades to the store!
We have just completed and cycled 12 new tanks with a variety of different shrimps species! See below for a comprehensive guide on how to keep them!
Beginner Neocaridina Shrimp (eg. Red, Blue, Yellow Cherry, Bloody Mary, Blue Dreams etc.)
These shrimps are very easy to keep as they adapt quickly to most aquariums. Though it is always recommended to have both an established and stable aquarium. These shrimps are the most tolerable and can withstand much greater parameter fluctuations.
PH: 6-8
TEMP: 21-29 Degrees
GH: 4-6 dGH
KH: 3-5 dKH
TDS: 140-180 ppm
Intermediate Caridina Crystal Shrimp + Caridina Tiger Shrimp (eg. Crystal Red, Black, PRL, PBL Tangerine Tigers, Orange Eye Tigers etc)
These shrimps are an intermediate difficulty. Alike Neocaridina Shrimps, these shrimps are generally quite hardy and adapt very well to their environments. However, they are less tolerant of water parameter fluctuations.
PH: 6-6.5
TEMP: 21-24 degrees
GH: 3-4 dGH
KH: 0-1 dKH
TDS: 100-120 ppm
Advanced Taiwan Bee Shrimp + Taiwan Pintos Shrimp (eg. Mosura Blue Bolt, Black BOA's, King Kong, Pinto, Red Wine, Panda etc.)
These shrimps are the most difficult to keep out of the shrimps currently available. They are much more sensitive to water parameter fluctuations. Very established and stable systems are highly recommended for these specimens.
PH: 6-6.5
TEMP: 21-24 degrees
GH: 3-4 dGH
KH: 0-1 dKH
TDS: 100-120 ppm
In store this week:
Red Cherry
Bloody Mary
Yellow Cherry
Blue Cherry
Blue Dreams
Cyrstal Red
Mosura Blue Bolt
More available next week, keep an eye out on Facebook for updates!