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Maintaining an aquarium is a great way to bring some nature into your home. An aquarium can provide hours of entertainment while being a calming presence in your home.    But to make sure your aquarium is healthy, you must perform regular maintenance. To do this, you need the right equipment. This article will provide an overview of the equipment required for aquarium maintenance.   Equipment #1: Filter   The first piece of aquarium equipment needed for maintenance is an aquarium filter. Filters help to keep the water clean by trapping debris and removing it from the water.    Several...

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Custom plumbing for Red Sea, Waterbox and Aqua One Tanks

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Aquarium fish are a popular addition to many homes and offices, providing a relaxing and beautiful addition to the decor. However, despite the best intentions of their owners, many aquarium fish die prematurely. There are several reasons why this may happen, and understanding them can help you to keep your fish healthy and happy for as long as possible. In both fresh and salt water, one of the most common reasons why aquarium fish die is poor water quality, this could be a due to a number of reasons, such as A tank not being cycled properly with beneficial bacteria...

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Axolotl now in stock! Albino Yellow and Wild colours are now available, please get in contact with us as stock is LIMITED.

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Hey guys, just another blog by the World of Aquariums. Today, we will be talking about water hardness and how to soften your water in your aquarium. We will be giving a general run through of what water hardness is, why you might want to soften your water and the different ways of doing so. For the full video guide, check out:   What is water hardness?  Water hardness is how hard or how soft your water is and this is measured as gH, which stands for general hardness. Your general hardness will be purely made up of 2 mineral...

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